Welcome to a new member, and congrats to our undergraduate members!

We would like to welcome Gabrielle Johnson to the lab!

We would also like to formally congratulate Tanya Rajayah and Betty Akamani for being accepted into the 4+1 Master’s program in Applied Psychology at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale! With this program, they will be able to complete a master’s degree during their 4th of their undergraduate work and an additional 5th year.


Success All Around!

A huge congratulations to 3 of our graduate lab members today! Chasity Ratliff successfully proposed her dissertation, and Miranda Nelson and Adam Green both successfully proposed their master’s theses - all in the same week! Great job on all of your hard work!

mock jury siu law Nov 2019.png

How the tables have turned:

now we are the mock jurors!

Congratulations to Chasity and Emily!

Chasity Ratliff was awarded a $1000 grant from the AP-LS Grant-in-Aid for Graduate Students to work on her dissertation! Her project is titled “Content Variation in Jury Instructions for Fatal Use of Force Trials Moderate the Effects of Attitudes toward Police on Verdicts.” Way to go Chasity!!

Emily Galeza successfully defended her master's thesis, titled "Moral Outrage Is Elicited By Others’ Beliefs Just As Much As Their Actions: Implications For Workplace Ideological Discrimination." Congratulations on the outstanding work!!


Happy Halloween From the Social Psych and Law Lab!


An Amazing Time at APA

We all enjoyed presenting research at the 2019 American Psychological Association this past August, with over 12,000+ attendees!

Dr. Peter-Hagene presented a talk titled “Lay Emotion Theories Influence Jurors' Ability to Suppress Emotional Reactions to Upsetting Evidence”

Chasity presented a talk titled “The Effects of Societal Threat on Authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation“

Emily presented a talk titled “The Effects of Jury Gender Composition on Jurors' Cognitive Depletion and the Deliberation Process“ and a poster on “The Impact of Perceived Fear on Jurors' Judgments of Male and Female Police Officer Defendants“

Feel free to contact us with questions or comments!

Big News for Dr. Peter-Hagene!

Dr. Peter-Hagene has been working hard!

She was recently awarded the 2019-2020 American Psychology and Law Society Early Career Professional Grant for her project titled “Neither Anger nor Sympathy Should Influence You: Effects of Jury Instructions on Jurors’ Processing of Emotional Trial Evidence”

Dr. Peter-Hagene also has a new publication coming out soon in the journal Law and Human Behavior. Keep an eye out for “Jurors’ cognitive depletion and performance during jury deliberation as a function of jury diversity and defendant race” this summer!

Check out Dr. Peter-Hagene’s CV for more details!

Double the Success!

We have two pieces of great news! We want to congratulate our lab member Marlena Arjo for graduating with her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale! She plans on continuing her education in the future!

Speaking of further education, we also want to congratulate Aarren Minneyfield for accepting his invitation into the Applied Psychology graduate program at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale! He plans to focus his specialization in industrial-organizational psychology.

We’re so happy for both of you! Congratulations!

Congratulations Deidra!

We want to congratulate out undergraduate lab member Deidra Davis, who won the 2019 REACH awards competition, with funding to run her research project “Juror’s Expressions of Emotion and Friendliness during Interracial Deliberations” with Dr. Peter-Hagene during the 2019-2020 school year! Way to go Deidra!

Look for us at the annual American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) conference this March 14-16, 2019, in Portland, Oregon!

Multiple members of our lab are presented at the conference this year:

Dr. Peter-Hagene presented a talk titled “Instructing jurors to suppress and reappraise emotional reactions to upsetting evidence”

Chasity presented a talk titled “Sensitivity to legitimacy cues and ideo-attribution effects in fatal police use of force cases“

Miranda and Emily presented a poster on “Effects of Use of Force Legitimacy Manipulation and Personal Prejudice on Punitiveness Towards Police Officers“

Adam presented a poster on “Purity, not Harm Concerns Predict Bathroom Bill Support and Aggression Toward Transgender People“

Feel free to contact us with questions or comments!


We would like to welcome new members to our lab!

Welcome Aarren Minneyfield and Kylie Asbury!

Heather Duzan presented her REACH findings at the SIU Research Forum!

Heather presented a poster titled "Integral vs. Incidental Sadness in Mock Jurors' Verdict Decisions."

The Social Psychology and Law Lab was well represented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society!

Dr. Peter-Hagene presented a talk, titled "Moral Outrage Reactions to Defendants and the Law Mediate the Effect of Pre-trial Attitudes Toward Euthanasia and Policing on Jurors' Verdicts."

Chasity's talk was titled, "Moral Outrage Mediates the Effects of Aggression and Perceived Threat on Punitiveness Toward Juvenile Offenders."

Colleen spoke about, "Gender Differences in Individuals' Anticipated Negative and Positive Affective Reactions to Police Officers."

Congratulations to Chasity!

Chasity Ratliff defended her master's thesis, titled "The Effects of Societal Threat on Authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation."

Lisa Logterman was awarded a grant from Psi Chi!!

Lisa was selected as a recipient of a 2017-18 Mamie Phipps Clark Diversity Research Grant for the proposal, “Does Defendant Religious Affiliation Influence Verdicts for Religiously-Motivated Crimes."

Heather is REACHING for the stars!!

Heather Duzan was awarded the Research-Enriched Academic Challenge (REACH) award for 2017-18 to complete her project, titled “Integral and incidental sadness effects on jurors' judgments and memory of child testimony.”

Heather presented a poster at the SIU Research Symposium

Heather Duzan presented a poster on the differential effects on verdicts of anger and sadness experienced by jurors in response to gruesome evidence, titled “The effect of gruesome evidence on mock jurors' judgments.”

Congratulations to Colleen!!

Colleen Bader completed her masters thesis, titled "Affective, behavioral, and cognitive perceptions of policewomen who make mistakes in traffic stops." on April 4, 2017.